RES Library
Ms. Burke
About Our Library Program:
Elementary school libraries are no longer places where students stop by to spend some quiet time looking for books and reading. Our library is a vibrant, active learning center where children participate in weekly lessons aligned to the Massachusetts School Library Association (MSLA) standards for information literacy skills. The ultimate goal of our school library program is to "help students at all grade levels find, evaluate, synthesize, present and produce information efficiently, effectively and ethically" (MSLA). We focus on developmentally-appropriate skills in developing life-long readers and learners.
Library Policies and Procedures:
"Creating engaged readers takes commitment to developing a school-wide reading culture that actively encourages, supports, and models reading for pleasure. Fluent and reflective reading improves literacy, social skills and well-being, and enables independent learning."
(National Library of New Zealand)
All RES students are expected to take advantage of the resources in our library by bringing home at least one book each week. Learning to use the library is an important life skill which requires repeated practice. Also, children are more likely to read for pleasure if they have some choice in what to read.
- Each student may take two (2) books home each week.
- Books are due during the next library class.
- Students may have up to four (4) books out at once.
- Students with four or more books out will not be permitted to bring books home until books are returned. They may get a book and keep it in the classroom.
- Bills will be sent home for the replacement cost of lost books.