Principal's Page
Welcome to the Middle/High School Principal's Page

Dear RMHS Community,
It is an honor and privilege to work alongside such an amazing community of staff, students, and families. We are fortunate to have strong community partnerships in a town that values the education of our students. The following resources are routinely updated to assist stakeholders in obtaining the most up-to-date information throughout the school year.
- Aspen: Online student information system used by students, parents, and teachers to access student schedules, grading information, and course expectations.
- Rockport Middle/High School Website: For the latest information, important dates, and planning information, please access the website. The Principal’s Page, Athletic, and Guidance pages; along with the Newsfeed and calendar will all support your efforts in keeping up to date with important school events and expectations.
- The RMHS Parent Guidebook: The Guidebook is updated and available to families in late August. Once updated each year, it can be found on the side tab of the Principal's Page.
- The Student Handbook: Available under the Resources tab of the website. The handbook offers a detailed look at the student expectations at the middle/high school level.
- The Viking Vibes tab in Aspen: A copy of the daily announcements is posted daily on the website under the Viking Vibes tab.
- The Weekly Viking News: A newsletter from the Principal is emailed to all students and families every Friday afternoon throughout the school year. The newsletter is designed to help students prioritize and plan for the upcoming week ahead. A copy of all newsletters is also available under the “Weekly Viking News” tab on the Newsfeed and through your Aspen account.
- The Resources top tab of the website contains important school-specific information on Community Service, the Program of Studies, and more!
It continues to be an honor and privilege to serve as the Principal of Rockport Middle/High School.
Amy Rose, Principal